Celestial Island of Rii

First thing’s first, you’re free to skip the cutscene or watch it, there’s no quest tying to actually watching this thing. Oftentimes, during cutscenes you will be able to get a button on the bottom right that will let you skip the dialogue parts of cutscenes.

The very beginning of the tutorial is a very simple crash course through the controls of the game. For anyone even remotely familiar to the game, this won’t be useful. However, for completely new to the game players this goes over all the critically important aspects of the game, the battle modes, the dynamic environments, crafting. This short part of the tutorial gives nothing but XP, and cannot be gotten back to.

The quest will make you speak to multiple NPCs, the first being this Enirispa who is the NPC that will let you change classes until you are level 30.

After this you can quickly go south to speak to Otomai, completing that quest.

There is a wandering NPC that will teach you about the monster seeding and planting system. Quickly kill 3 Wodent, gather seeds from these wabbits, and then plant them, and you’re done with this part of the quest. Keep the drops that the wodent drop since you’ll need them very soon. After turning in the quest, she sends you to gather, cut, and plant some of the herbs in the area. Same as the wodents, do 3 of each and talk to her again. The last part of her quest involves running back to Otomai, crafting three potions from the herbs you gathered and the Wodent drops to make 3 potions, and you’re done with her quest entirely.

Run over to the dojo area and go inside. Speak to the main NPC here and go through each of her trainings.

 The first will have you hit the enemy in the back to demonstrate the bonus damage for backstab.

The next will have you check the monsters resistances before you attack, make sure to press Shift-V to make it easy, and pick the corresponding colors, Green for Earth, Blue for water, etc. 

After that, the next fight will teach you the different between close combat and ranged. Stay in the green to hit the monster back and forth and move on.

The next fight will teach about the concept of line of sight. This is a useful skill and you should absolutely learn this, even if you’re a melee character.

Moving from this, the next fight will give you an idea of AoE attacks, each attack you’re given is a different shape, make sure to hit all the monsters in one attack.

This next fight is slightly annoying, you are given a pull, a push, a teleport, and a swap places. Simply relocate the monster into the green spot four times to finish the fight.

The last fight will require you to right click the monster and read the special buff it has. This buff will tell you exactly what is required to damage the monster, such as ending your turn next to it, attacking it from a green cell or red, or so on.

You are to fight a solo dungeon, which is just a cutscene. Simply fight Grougalgoragron and pass your turn repeatedly before he burns you to ash, and you are have completed Rii.


5769 XP (Static) Title Unlocked: Celestial Adventurer
Emote: Take a Nap
Item: Celestial Bag (20 Slots)!

Video Guide